QParameter Whatever we ask solr to search, it has to be
denoted with the q Parameter. Once the Solr sees this parameter it will return
the search results matching this parameter.
Specifying Terms for the Standard Query Parser A query to the
standard query parser is broken up into terms and operators.
There are two types of terms:
Solr search for the single terms and
phrases(combination of the words)
Wildcard Searches
Usually Wildcard searches, searches for all the possible results,
same concept is applicable in the solr as well.We can define in both the way
1)For the particular word we can
define in the following way.
When we define in the above way, then
the solr searches for the words like texting and testing as well.
2) For All the possiblites
When we define like this , solr will
search for all the possible outcomes of the given word, like testing, tested
Fuzzy Searches
Solr has some unique features, by
which we can achieve the other terms for the searched term.
When we define the term like
above it searches for the words like beat,feat etc.We can also define the edit
distance so based on it will search for the terms .
It will search for only
feat,beat but not foat
Proximity Searches
Solr will search only in the specified
distance between this two words.
This will return results
so it identifies it.
Where else
This will not return the
results , since there are 5 words distance between it.
Range Searches
will return only of the specified ranges results.
Boosting a Term with ^
We can use ^ for boosting of the term, and making it more
Boolean Opertors in solr
AND (&&)
NOT (!)
OR (||)