Sunday, April 2, 2017

Reference Application in Solr


Most of us before start learning any new technology, will want to see how this works, and should be visualized before starting it, so that the understanding or the learning will be clear. That’s why almost all of the vendors provide the Reference application for their product. This Reference application will allow us to have the strong fundamentals and good understanding of the product.
When I started learning the solr, I searched for this refrence application at that time , I did not get to know about this application , As the Day Passes by I get to know this application , so I wanted to share with you guys as well, so that you can also use it for your learning .

How to start this reference application?

Navigate to : <SOLR-Installed Dir>/solr-6.4.2/bin

Execute the below :  solr start -e techproducts

Once if you execute the above following operations will be happen automatically, ie indexing

Starting up Solr on port 8983 using command:
C:\Users\syedghouse14\Downloads\solr-6.4.2\bin\solr.cmd start -p 8983 -s "C:\Users\syedghouse14\Downloads\solr-6.4.2\example\techproducts\solr"
Solr is already setup and running on port 8983 with status:
  "version":"6.4.2 34a975ca3d4bd7fa121340e5bcbf165929e0542f - ishan - 2017-03-01 23:30:23",
  "uptime":"0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 38 seconds",
  "memory":"29.5 MB (%6) of 490.7 MB"}
If this is not the example node you are trying to start, please choose a different port.
WARNING: Core 'techproducts' already exists!
Checked core existence using Core API command:
Solr techproducts example launched successfully. Direct your Web browser to http://localhost:8983/solr to visit the Solr Admin UI

Once it is started then access this application through URL: 

This Reference application has the following features .

  • TypeAhead Sugestions .
  • Global Search
  • Facet Selection/Deselction
  • Instock Facet
  • Category Selection
  • Submit / Reset
  • Simple Search
  • Spatial Search
  • Group By

You can play with the above functionalities.  You can refer my blog for more Interesting topics on Solr .  

Happy Learning !!!!!
